Make Your Ideas Real

The Glasgow City Innovation District Venture Studio Make pillar is where creativity meets commercial viability. This pillar happens in a collaborative space where diverse projects and businesses collaborate to bring their visions to life. This dynamic studio environment promotes a professional creative process with practical delivery, making it the ideal setting for innovators aiming to produce tangible outputs.

Your project will become a potential market changer. Strategists, designers and communicators will share their insights, and challenge each other’s thinking to help you refine your vision. Based in the heart of the GCID you'll be able to engage with hands-on support to help you to design, prototype and prepare your new product or service. This programme is designed to facilitate the creative process along with the development of a strong brand to help your idea stand out. 

Why Apply?

  • Design thinking: Participate in expert-led workshops and sessions that teach the principles of design thinking—a creative problem-solving approach that ensures your product is not only innovative but also user-centred.
  • Develop innovation assets: Access expertise, tools, technologies, and methodologies that enable you to create prototypes and refine product designs effectively.
  • Networking and collaborative workspaces: Benefit from a network of professionals and workspaces, each equipped with the expertise and connections you will need to build ‘proof of concept’ products. These exciting spaces are also perfect for networking, providing you a ready-made community of peers with industry contacts.
  • Build your product and brand: Our program supports you with developing a compelling brand identity that aligns with your business values and speaks to your target audiences. From concept to consumer every step is an opportunity to reinforce your brand’s visibility and appeal.

The Make pillar is launching soon. Sign up to our newsletter to keep up to date with the launch.

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